Business Fairs
We have been running Business Fairs for nearly twenty years. Probably our best known event is the Liverpool Business Fair which was first held at Liverpool Town Hall in 2002.
Our Business Fairs are our largest events – in terms of numbers and features. However we try to make sure they’re suitable for everyone from sole traders and would be entrepreneurs to Managing Directors of large companies.
50-80 exhibitors and hundreds of business visitors typically attend each Business Fair.
Activities at the one day events range from a B2B exhibition to networking sessions to quality workshops. All designed to address the main themes of encouraging inter-trading and providing information and assistance to support local businesses.
There are a number of ways in which businesses can use the events to promote their products and services. Probably the best way to build profile is to take part as an exhibitor or sponsor. A variety of packages are available to suit most budgets – prices start at £275+VAT for a 2m x 2m exhibition space.
For those simply wanting to visit the event, there are lots of free sessions and activities taking place. These can help visitors to address a particular challenge or issue in their business. Lots of information and assistance is available from business support organisations and expert exhibitors. Plus from quality workshop sessions on topical business subjects.