Business Fair Sponsorship
For companies and organisations wishing to have a high profile association with our popular Business Fair events, a variety of sponsorship packages are available.
Sponsorship is a great opportunity to reinforce brand recognition and attract new clients.
As a sponsor you’ll have the opportunity to influence the event agenda, and will receive increased promotion to highlight your involvement in the Fair and drive traffic to your business.
Sponsorship Packages
A choice of four sponsorship packages are available (details below). Our Digital Sponsor package does not include exhibition space, instead providing a range of online promotion around the event. All other packages include exhibition space at the event with power, furniture and a colour logo name board.
Digital Sponsor ~ £625+VAT per Business Fair
Event Guide Sponsor ~ £995+VAT per Business Fair
Workshop Sponsor ~ £1,500+VAT per Business Fair
Lead Sponsor ~ £3,495+VAT per Business Fair
To read our Sponsorship Brochure including full details and comparison of what’s included in each package please click here.
Should you have more specific requirements, we would be happy to put together a customised package tailored to your needs.
Sponsorship packages can be booked by downloading a Booking Form which you can then complete and return to us by email. If you would prefer online booking, this is available on the individual Business Fair event pages.
To discuss sponsorship opportunities in more detail please contact Tony Haines on 0151 709 8932 or email tony at liverpoolba dot com.